The Recorder order deadline has been extended to next Tuesday, September 29. Fourth and fifth grades both need to order recorders. Below is the letter sent home or via e-mail to 4th grade parents. The 5th grade letter was in a previous post.
Dear Parents,
As part of our 4th grade music curriculum at India Hook Elementary School, we will soon be learning to play the soprano recorder in music class. We will begin the recorder unit mid October. If your child does not already have a recorder, purchasing a recorder is fairly inexpensive.
To make it more convenient and economical, I will be happy to order the recorders for you. I will be ordering a recorder that comes with a storage case, cleaning rod, and fingering chart. There are two choices of style that you may order: The Angel One-Piece Recorder (black with a cream colored mouth piece) for $3.00 or the Canto Translucent recorder (purple, yellow, green, red, or blue) for $3.50. The price includes tax and shipping. The recorders may be viewed on this web-site:
Please consider buying two recorders so that your child may leave one recorder in the classroom and one at home for practicing.
Please see the recorder information below. Please read all the options carefully. To help with the order, please return the form below in an envelope with the payment (checks to IHES or exact change) to your child’s classroom teacher by Tuesday, September 29. It is important to have all orders by this date to ensure that our recorders arrive by October.
After we begin instruction on recorders, please encourage your child to practice! We will begin learning a variety of songs in the coming months. The children are responsible for bringing their recorders to music class each week (unless you have bought an extra recorder to leave in the music classroom).
Thank you for your support of music at India Hook Elementary School!
Musically Yours,
Mrs. Odom
Music Educator
Name:_______________________________ Classroom Teacher:___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________________________
I would like to order the following recorder(s) (Please indicate quantity):
_____Angel One-Piece Soprano Recorder $3.00 each
_____Canto Translucent Recorder $3.50 each
Circle color for Canto Translucent Recorder only: purple green yellow red blue
Total # of recorders:________ Total Amount Enclosed:__________
(Remember to make checks payable to IHES or enclose exact change.)
______ Check here if your child already has a recorder, or you will furnish one by October 13.