Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This Week in Music

Kindergarten- The Kindergartners continue lessons on distinguishing music that has a beat from music that does not have a beat. Using rhythm sticks and scarves, the students demonstrate the ability to acknowledge the difference in music with a beat and that without a beat. This week the students are introduced to "ta". Next week they will practice notating "ta" while listening to a piece of music.

1st Grade- The students learn a song titled "Big Black Cats", and then play a passing game which enforces steady beat with wood blocks. Each student has the opportunity this week to play an ascending and descending scale on the Bass Metallophone to the song "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". Students learn a chant, "The spider kept on working until the job was done" to recite during the story, The Very Busy Spider, by Eric Carle.

2nd Grade- The second graders learn two songs this week: "Poor Little Kitty Cat" and "Jockey". "Poor Little Kitty Cat" reinforces sol-mi melodies using the Glockenspiel. "Jockey" is about a race horse jockey. One student is the "jockey" who walks within a circle of all of the students. The "jockey" selects a "horse" and together they "do-si-do" to the music, and then the game continues with the "horse" as the new "jockey".

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades- The students in the upper grades are learning songs about Christopher Columbus in honor of Columbus Day. "Three Famous Ships" is a spoken rhyme accompanied by a partner clapping game. "A Famous Man" is a song that includes singing and instrumental parts: Tambourine, Metallophone, and Xylophone.

The 4th and 5th graders will recorder lessons by the end of the month.

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